About the game

Today is my birthday
Welcome, we are the publisher team of the Asset Store. Our bias is the creation of ready-made solutions for your games and applications. We have long wanted to release something high-grade to demonstrate the whole essence of our work
On the project "Today is my birthday", work began in early 2017 and is continuing diligently now. Soon, a demo version of this game will be released and you will be able to feel for yourself what it means to be the main character pushed into the corner
In "Today is my Birthday", you are Thomas, an amateur photographer from the big city. As a child, your Father would take you to Wonder Park every year for your birthday as a family tradition. Having lost him due to cancer, you have decided to fulfill your Father's deathbed wish and visit the park one last time on your birthday, fuelled by depression and alcohol.
It's been 3 years since the park closed without formal explanation, however amounting complaints from visitors was the logical explaintion for most people.. All the public know is that something dark was happening at the Wonder park, something suspicious that the officials who shut it down wouldn't disclose.